
How does a mini electric kettle remove scale? Introduction to descaling methods

Mini electric kettles have become a necessity in modern daily life, as boiling water with them is fast and hygienic. However, using a mini electric kettle too much can cause problems, and one of the biggest problems is scale. Some people may say that there is less scale in a mini electric kettle, but that means there is less scale, which does not mean there is no scale. How can we remove the scale in a mini electric kettle? Next, the editor will introduce it to everyone.

Removing scale from a mini electric kettle with vinegar is the simplest and most practical method. As is well known, the main components of scale are carbonates such as calcium carbonate. Acetic acid in vinegar will react with it, producing water-soluble minerals and carbon dioxide gas. Generally, supermarkets can buy white vinegar. Add 10% white vinegar to the scale of the kettle, fill it with water, boil it for about an hour, and then brush it. Old vinegar is also acceptable, but its effect is not as good as white vinegar.

FemalePut more than half a kettle of yams into a new mini electric kettle, fill it with water, boil the yams until they are cooked, and then boil the water again to prevent scaling. But be careful not to scrub the inner wall of the kettle after boiling yams, otherwise it will lose its descaling effect. For old kettles that have already accumulated scale, boiling them once or twice using the above method not only gradually removes the original scale, but also prevents the accumulation of scale again.
When boiling water in an electric kettle, it is easy to form scale. Generally, we can put 1 teaspoon of baking soda and boil it for a few minutes, and the scale will be removed. Alternatively, pour about 500 grams of 1% baking soda water and gently shake to remove the scale.
Generally speaking, a mini electric kettle is difficult to remove dirt after being used for a long time. If you use it to boil eggs twice, you will achieve the desired effect. Slightly break the two egg shells, put them into a bottle, and then add half a pot of water. Stir with a blender or spoon, then boil and let it sit for about half an hour. Pour out the egg shells, and rinse them twice with clean water.
You can buy some bleach from the supermarket, put 2-3 tablespoons of bleach in, and rinse with a small amount of water once or twice. It will wash very clean.
A mini electric kettle is particularly suitable for use by one person, but pay attention to scale during use. The presence of scale is not only unhealthy, but also affects the production efficiency of mini electric kettles. Scale is more difficult to remove than other types of dirt. I hope the methods introduced by the editor can help remove scale.

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